CAHA supports the call for a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health

Monday 29 January 2024

The Lowitja Institute have called on the Australian government to include funding in the next federal budget for the establishment and operation of a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health, in an open letter supported by a range of key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and climate and health bodies.

The Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) is a signatory to the letter, and fully supports the the Lowitja Institute’s funding call for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health (the Coalition). As per the Lowitja Institute’s ‘Business case for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health’:

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in this space is being overlooked and ignored by government, and our peoples are being excluded from policymaking. Our peoples want to be included in key national decision-making about Country, climate, and health, and in driving solutions on the ground. We want to be able to maximise opportunities for developing and increasing our climate and health workforce, including in research. At the same time, there is insufficient resourcing or compensation available for our peoples and organisations to participate or contribute. The will is there but government support is required to empower our leadership in this space”.

The formation of the Coalition will facilitate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership that will not only benefit health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples, but all people living in Australia.

In CAHA's pre-budget submission, we have called for the Federal Government to fund the establishment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition on Climate and Health as per the Lowitja Institute’s prospectus ($8 million over four years).

Learn more about the Lowitja Institute's call here