Tickets available now: Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum 2022

Friday 08 July 2022

We're thrilled to announce that early bird registrations are now open for Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum, our annual sustainable healthcare conference.

This forum is proudly co-hosted by:

  • Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA)
  • Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network, Pacific Region (GGHH Pacific)
  • Hunter New England Local Health District (HNE Health)

Early bird tickets available now until Friday 5 August

In-person tickets include full catering and carbon offsets for your travel to the event. 
For organisations that wish to stream the event as their own venue for staff, there is an option for online group admission.

CAHA and GGHH Pacific members (including all staff who work at member organisations, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori Peoples, and students are eligible for an additional discount. 

Get your tickets here! Feel free to share this link far and wide within your networks.

Event details

When and where: The Forum will take place on Friday 7 October in-person on Awabakal country, at the Hunter Medical Research Institute in Newcastle, and online.

Who should come: Anyone interested in improving the environmental footprint of healthcare and aged care, and fostering a healthy future for people and the planet. The forum will provide opportunities for connection, knowledge sharing, learning and upskilling, for both in-person and online attendees.

About the program: The overarching theme of the Forum is ‘Driving systems change for sustainable healthcare'Together, we'll examine these three questions:

  • Where are we at? Gathering the evidence
  • What can we do? Sustainable healthcare and circular economy solutions in practice
  • What is the big picture? Policy for sustainable healthcare

A diverse line-up of speakers, from healthcare, government, industry partners, academia and beyond, will share their expertise on current research, policy, industry innovations and practical examples of sustainable healthcare in action.

Call for abstracts

Abstract submissions are welcome, and will close COB Thursday 14 July.

Submit an abstract here.

More information

More information about the Forum is available. We encourage you to share widely with your networks. Feel free to send through any questions.

Thank you to each of our sponsors and promotional partners for supporting this event, particularly Mott McDonald, our co-major Forum sponsor.

We also thank Hunter Medical Research Institute for hosting the Forum.

See you at the Forum!