Budget 2023: Climate action needs a health focus

Tuesday 09 May 2023

The Climate and Health Alliance welcomes funding for action on climate in 2023/2024 Commonwealth Budget, but says more is needed to unlock the health benefits associated with climate action.

“Everyone in Australia will benefit from a cleaner, healthier and more just world”, CEO of the Climate and Health Alliance, Roland Sapsford, said.

“We commend the substantial investment in social housing to improve energy performance, which will improve the health of residents without increasing carbon emissions.

“We also commend the Commonwealth on its commitment to fund the establishment of a National Net Zero Authority and the Australian Centre for Disease Control in this year's budget.

“We are, however, concerned that the budget does not provide much needed resources for the implementation of the National Health and Climate Strategy, expected later this year.

“In our pre-budget submission, we called for a commitment to tangible funding that will support the implementation of the Strategy. Funding like this is needed to ensure that action on climate change secures better health outcomes for all.

“Given the urgency of the climate crisis, we will be seeking clarification from the Commonwealth Government on behalf of the health sector about whether the Strategy can deliver timely action without a clear commitment of funds this financial year,” said Sapsford.

A full analysis on how the 2023 / 2024 Commonwealth Budget will impact climate and health to come.