See you there
WhenSeptember 19, 2022 at 12:00pm - 1pm
Online - Zoom
Milly Burgess
Healthy Conversation: Always caring for Country
Healthy Conversation is a monthly online forum about all things climate and health. Join our community of advocates and supporters for discussion and exchange of ideas. This month's webinar is being co-hosted by the Lowitja Institute.
Across Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are taking matters into their own hands, implementing solutions that are tied to traditional ways of living on and caring for Country, as well as engaging in political advocacy on issues such as housing, fracking, deforestation, and preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.
When Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples lead on climate prevention, mitigation and adaptation, health outcomes improve and the harmful impacts of climate change are mitigated.
This conversation will be led by Dr Summer May Finlay, a proud Yorta Yorta woman, and Dr Janine Mohamed, a proud Narrunga Kaurna woman. It will illustrate the effective community-led solutions that are being implemented by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and will showcase the strength and importance of their political advocacy.