Full list of CAHA reports
The National Health and Climate Strategy: Eight months on
Climate and Health Alliance
September 2024
This report provides an update on the progress of the implementation of the National Health and Climate Strategy. Included in the report is an updated scorecard and analysis.
Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Pacific Region Annual Report 2022-23
Climate and Health Alliance
February 2024
This report summarises the progress and achievements of the GGHH Pacific Network in 2022-23.
Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum: summary report
Climate and Health Alliance
November 2023
This report summarises the outcomes of the Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum, which took place on 14-15 September 2023 on Whadjuk Noongar country.
Reducing car dependency for health and climate
Climate and Health Alliance
November 2023
This communique summarises the outcomes of CAHA's Healthy Transport Roundtable on 24 October in Melbourne. Leading health and transport experts convened to discuss international case studies and how to apply them in Australia to reduce car dependency.
A healthy climate for people and planet: Revitalising Australia’s domestic policy ahead of COP28
Climate and Health Alliance
November 2023
This policy platform presents a series of recommendations whereby the Commonwealth Government can imbed impactful climate and health policy, prepared ahead of COP28.
Clearing the Air: Transport decarbonisation and our health
Climate and Health Alliance
October 2023
This review presents a comprehensive look at the ways in which our transport system makes us sick, and how a decarbonised transport system could make us healthier.
EPIC for Health Pilot Program
Climate and Health Alliance
September 2023
This report summarises the outcomes of the 2022-23 pilot program of EPIC for Health, to reduce single use plastics in healthcare.
Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Pacific Region Annual Report 2021-22
Climate and Health Alliance
March 2023
This report summarises the progress and achievements of the GGHH Pacific Network in 2021-22.
Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum: summary report
Climate and Health Alliance
November 2022
This report summarises the outcomes of the Greening the Healthcare Sector Forum, which took place on Friday 7 November on Awabakal country.
Better Healthier Futures Roundtable: Meeting report
Climate and Health Alliance
October 2022
This report summarises the outcomes of the Better, Healthier Futures Roundtable, which took place on 5 September 2022 in Canberra, ACT and online.
COP27 Health Community Recommendations
COP27 Health Community
October 2022
This report outlines several recommendations to governments ahead of COP27, endorsed by dozens of international and national health organisations. Recommendations pertain to loss and damage, adaptation, mitigation and finance.
Australian Health Leadership on Climate Action: Policy Outlook
Climate and Health Alliance
July 2022
This report summarises the outcomes of the second Australian Health Leadership Roundtable on Climate Action, which took place on 29 June 2022. It provides a snapshot of policy developments on climate change and health in Australia.
A Review of Sustainable Healthcare
Climate and Health Alliance & Monash Sustainable Development Institute
June 2022
CAHA collaborated with MSDI to complete this review for the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The purpose of this review is to provide background information, context, and relevant evidence to support an understanding of the safety and quality risks facing the healthcare sector. This will inform the development of a draft Sustainable Healthcare Module for public
Climate Action for a Healthy Future: Health Messages from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Mitigation
Climate and Health Alliance, Global Climate and Health Alliance & Health-Climate Network
May 2022
This report summarises the findings relevant to health and wellbeing from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. It is a resource for health stakeholders and policy-makers working at the intersection of climate change and health.
Which parties pass the health check? 2022 Federal Election Scorecard
Climate and Health Alliance
April 2022
This report assess where the major political parties stand on climate change and health. It covers a number of key recommendations and offers a concise comparison on important policy questions and is intended to showcase the level of commitment by parties on these key issues.
Climate Change is a Health Crisis: Health messages from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Impacts
Climate and Health Alliance
March 2022
The report summarises the key health messages from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (which is 3600+ pages). It is intended to help health stakeholders and decision-makers to better interpret and integrate the information into action.
Climate Change and Australia's Healthcare System: A Review of Literature, Policy and Practice
Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Climate and Health Alliance & University of Melbourne
October 2021
The report, prepared for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, is designed to provide Australia's peak healthcare organisations with evidence-based recommendations for Australian policymakers, health systems, health professionals and the communities they serve.
Healthy, Regenerative and Just: Framework for a national strategy on climate, health and well-being for Australia
Climate and Health Alliance
October 2021
Led by the Climate and Health Alliance, health stakeholders and interdisciplinary experts have produced Healthy, Regenerative and Just – a framework for a national strategy on climate, health and well-being for Australia.
Real, Urgent & Now: Insights from health professionals on climate and health in Australia
Climate and Health Alliance
September 2021
This report summarises insights from a national survey of Australian health professionals from diverse disciplines. The survey explored health professionals' engagement with climate change, exposure to climate-health impacts and solutions, and participation in climate communication and advocacy.
Real, Urgent & Now: Communicating the health impacts of climate change
Climate and Health Alliance
May 2021
This Communication Guide is intended to help health professionals to speak with confidence about climate change and health, promote actions which reduce emissions and improve health, and advocate for climate action.
WA election briefing: Climate change, health and wellbeing — Act Now
Climate and Health Alliance
March 2021
This briefing was produced ahead of the WA election to support climate-health advocacy by CAHA staff and supporters.
Australia in 2030: Possible alternative futures
Climate and Health Alliance
February 2021
This report presents narrative scenarios, including 'day-in-the-life' case studies of people, for five possible alternative futures. The five scenarios outlined in this report could await us in 2030, depending on the choices we make as a society.
Healthy, Regenerative and Just: Our vision for a better future
Climate and Health Alliance
November 2020
The Healthy, Regenerative and Just policy agenda is a plan for governments to act on climate, protect our health and create a better future for all of us. This policy agenda describes how we get to our preferred future, 'Our Island Home', outlined in the Australia in 2030 report above.
QLD Election Briefing: Climate Change, Health and Wellbeing: opportunities to boost resilience
Climate and Health Alliance, Doctors for the Environment Australia, PHAA QLD Branch, QLD Aboriginal and Islander Health Council & Social Workers for Climate Action
October 2020
Ahead of the 2020 Queensland state election, CAHA collaborated with allies to produce this election briefing on relevant issues on climate change and health.
NT Election Briefing: Heat, climate change, health and the need for urgent action
Climate and Health Alliance
July 2020
Ahead of the 2020 Northern Territory state election, CAHA and its local members worked together on an election briefing for NT politicians, largely focused on the health impacts of heat and climate change.
Reference Resource: Social Workers for Climate Change Action
Climate and Health Alliance & Andrew Nicholson
May 2020
This resource was written as a reference component of the Australian Association of Social Workers CPD course: Social Workers for Climate Change Action. It offers an overview of some of the key issues connecting potential social work roles to the nexus of climate change impacts and health.
Report: Experiences during COVID-19
Climate and Health Alliance
April 2020
CAHA ran a survey of 100 health professionals from diverse health backgrounds during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey sought to investigate their pandemic experiences, to understand their values during this time and what support they required now and into the future.
Expert position statement on health-based standards for Australian regulated thresholds of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone in ambient air
Climate and Health Alliance, Lung Research Health Centre, Environmental Justice Australia, Doctors for the Environment Australia, Lung Foundation Australia, Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand & Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Given the overwhelming importance of clean air to health, this position statement gives recommendations for the revision of national standards for three major air pollutants.
The Climate and Health Symposium Report
Climate and Health Alliance
September 2018
At the 2018 Climate and Health Symposium, ~60 attendees from diverse backgrounds, including the health, government, industry, non-profit, academia and eNGO sectors, gathered to discuss climate and health in Australia. This report provides an overview of the core themes discussed.
Review of Health and Climate Change Literature
Climate and Health Alliance
June 2018
Commissioned by City of Melbourne, this report provides an overview of the evidence in relation to the health co-benefits associated with climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Human Health and Wellbeing Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Queensland
Climate and Health Alliance & National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
May 2018
As requested by Queensland DES, CAHA and NCCARF developed a Human Health and Wellbeing Climate Adaptation Plan (H-CAP) with the health, aged care and childcare sectors in Queensland. This document outlines the process to develop the H-CAP and describes its scope.
Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being for Australia
Climate and Health Alliance
June 2017
This report was a collaboration of 30+ health and medical organisations following a year-long national consultation. The framework was launched at Parliament House in Canberra in 2017. This framework was updated in 2021.
Final Consultation Report: A National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being for Australia
Climate and Health Alliance
May 2017
This report details the full consultation process used to inform development of the Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being.
Preliminary Report: Survey around a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being for Australia
Climate and Health Alliance
September 2016
This report provides an overview of the responses to the online survey accompanying the Discussion Paper: Towards a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being for Australia.
Investing in Health: The Australian health professions and fossil fuel divestment
Climate and Health Alliance & Doctors for the Environment Australia
April 2016
This joint report presents the case for health and medical professionals and their organisations to divest from all fossil fuels and shift their financial resources to clean, healthy, low carbon investments.
Global Climate Change and Health Policy Survey Report
World Federation of Public Health Associations
November 2015
The report for the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) outlines responses from 35 countries in the first-ever global benchmarking survey of national climate and health policy. The Climate and Health Alliance led the project working group.
Coal and Health in the Hunter: Lessons from one valley for the world
Climate and Health Alliance
February 2015
This report provides an insight into the evidence of the harm – local, national, and global – from coal production in the Hunter Valley, NSW. It looks at the literature on the adverse impacts on physical and psychological health associated with the coal industry and climate change.
Health and Energy Choices: Position paper and background briefing
Climate and Health Alliance, Public Health Association of Australia, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, National Toxics Network, Australian Medical Students' Association, Women's Health East & Services for Rural and Remote Allied Health
November 2014
This position paper was developed by a collaboration of health sector organisations in Australia that are concerned that the health impacts associated with fossil fuel energy projects are not being considered in public policy decision-making.
Joint Statement on the Health Effects of Coal in Australia
Climate and Health Alliance & the Climate Council
September 2014
This joint statement was released in response to the inquiry report on the Hazelwood coal mine fire in Victoria. It accompanied the Climate Council's Briefing Paper on Coal and Health outlining the scientific health and medical literature on the impacts on health from the production of coal.
Forum on Climate and Health: The research, policy and advocacy agenda
Climate and Health Alliance
November 2013
This report was produced following CAHA’s 2013 national forum to discuss the research, policy and advocacy agenda necessary to protect health from climate change in Australia and around the world.
2013 Federal Election Policy Priorities
Climate and Health Alliance
August 2013
This policy priorities document was produced ahead of the 2013 federal election. This document was endorsed by 20+ health organisations, including the Public Health Association of Australia, Australian Council of Social Services and more.
The policy priorities document was accompanied by a scorecard, ranking candidates' policies on climate change and health.
Greening the Healthcare Sector Policy Think Tank
Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association & Climate and Health Alliance
August 2013
This report summarises the latest national Think Tank on sustainability in healthcare. The Think Tank provided an opportunity to showcase some successful examples of sustainable healthcare initiatives from hospitals and health services across Australia.
Transforming economics and governance for better health and sustainable societies
Climate and Health Alliance, Public Health Association of Australia & Transform Australia
September 2012
This report provides a summary of the lessons from a workshop, held prior to the 2012 Population Health Congress.
Our Uncashed Dividend: The health benefits of climate action
Climate and Health Alliance & the Climate Institute
August 2012
This report draws together research which shows the substantial health benefits of measures to cut emissions. It demonstrates that actions that cut carbon pollution can improve Australians' health and could save billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year.
Climate and Health Clinic: Review of a novel health promotion initiative
Climate and Health Clinic project working group
April 2012
The report reviews a health promotion initiative at the 2012 Melbourne Sustainable Living Festival, where a pop-up 'Climate and Health Clinic' and staffed with volunteer 'health promoter' offered people the opportunity to develop their own 'prescription' for health and climate.
Your Prescription for a Healthy Life and a Healthy Planet
Climate and Health Alliance
This tool for health professionals to assist with identifying actions patients can take to improve their health and reduce emissions at the same time.